Code of Conduct

Amendment to Takenaka Corporate Code of Conduct

In 2004, our company established Principles of Corporate Ethics which were concrete guidelines for conduct to realize our Corporate Philosophy. In 2012, to stay in step with major changes in the social and economic environment, such as globalization of business activities and diversified stakeholders, we added some concrete individual items and revised these Principles to the Takenaka Corporate Code of Conduct based on our Company Policy and considering that our Management Philosophy should be in line with our social responsibility.

Since that time, there has been ever increasing demand from the international community for companies to address global issues, and the corporate social responsibility that companies fulfill toward the realization of a sustainable society, such as ensuring tax transparency in addition to respect for human rights and environmental measures, has taken on even greater importance.

In recognition of such circumstances, we have amended our Corporate Code of Conduct to promote corporate activities through which more values are shared with society. Putting this Code into practice will result in each executive and employee striving to achieve corporate social responsibility, thereby contributing to the development of a sustainable society.

President Masato Sasaki

Takenaka Corporate Code of Conduct

Realizing a sustainable society through customer satisfaction and urban creation

Ensure the creation of "attractive works with safety and security" that satisfy customers and resolve social issues by innovation, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through urban creation.

  1. Create attractive "towns, architecture, and services" that have new value by precisely understanding customer needs and social issues, and while systematically mobilizing our wisdom, know-how and technical capabilities, continue innovation with diverse individual sensibilities.
  2. Achieve building production and processes that are friendly to society and the environment while simultaneously achieving building safety and security at levels that society demands.
  3. Put craftsmanship into practice with employees themselves being scrupulous at actual places with actual things and in real time.
  4. Build and strengthen partnerships with suppliers, and ensure that quality is built in at each process based on mutual trust.
  5. Maintain and improve building values as social assets by supporting customers with their businesses and throughout the life cycles of their buildings.
  6. Earn the satisfaction and trust of customers by providing them with proper information on "towns, architecture and services," and communicating in an honest manner.

Compliance with laws and social norms

Comply with laws and other social norms; carry out fair, transparent and free competition, and proper trade; and conduct conscientious corporate activities.

  1. Each executive and employee shall commit to maintaining high ethical standards and behave with a sense of morality, as well as observing laws and regulations.
  2. Participate in fair and transparent market competition by demonstrating our planning, design and technological capabilities.
  3. Comply with antimonopoly and related laws while preventing improper bid behavior and the abuse of dominant bargaining positions. In addition, properly conduct security export controls.
  4. Achieve highly transparent and ethical corporate behavior in accordance with our tax policy.
  5. Promote purchasing activities based on our procurement policy.
  6. Create and utilize intellectual property while respecting internal and external intellectual property rights.
  7. Maintain a highly transparent relationship with politicians and officials, and carry out constructive dialog such as policy proposals, expressing opinions, etc.
  8. Do not give bribes to nor accept them from public officials, etc. for the purpose of obtaining unfair gains.

Disclosure and protection of information

Engage in dialog with a broad range of stakeholders and disclose corporate information actively and fairly. In addition, protect and properly manage all types of information obtained through our business activities.

  1. Establish an information disclosure policy, and disclose corporate information required by society in a timely, appropriate manner.
  2. Promote interactive communication with a broad range of stakeholders through publicity, dialog and other activities.
  3. Make efforts to prevent insider trading.
  4. Maintain and improve information security related to personal and customer information.

Respect for human rights

Conduct business in a manner that respects the human rights of all people connected to our business activities.

  1. Respect internationally recognized human rights.
  2. Promote business activities in accordance with our human rights policy.
  3. Perform human rights due diligence in an appropriate manner according to the nature of the project and the severity of the risk of negative impact on human rights.
  4. Prevent human rights violations from occurring, and if by any chance they do occur, promptly work to correct them.
  5. Cooperate with diverse stakeholders and contribute to the creation of an inclusive society where human rights are respected.

Realizing a comfortable workplace environments

Create workplaces where diversity and individuality are respected; ensure environments where it is easy to work, and mental and physical health and safety are considered; and realize enriched, comfortable environments for personal growth.

  1. Do not treat employees unfairly through conduct such as harassment or discrimination by nationality, gender, age, etc. in the implementation of human resources management.
  2. Fundamentally improve productivity and review work styles, and together with promoting work-life balance, enhance work environments, and personnel and reward systems whereby the capabilities of diverse human resources can be demonstrated.
  3. Respect the individuality of employees, and develop an education system that supports their efforts to develop their careers and abilities.
  4. Together with realizing safe and comfortable workplace environments, promote health-conscious management.

Contribution to the global environment

Recognize common challenges to humanity in a way that leaves a beautiful Earth to the future, and independently strive for space creation that is in harmony with the environment and connects people with nature.

  1. Promote the creation of environmentally friendly architecture toward a decarbonized society, improvement of environmental performance, and reduction of environmental loads.
  2. Promote 3R* activities that expand the recycling of construction waste for contributing to the creation of a resource recycling society.
  3. Promote efforts for the preservation of biodiversity toward coexistance with nature and sustainable use of bioresources.
  4. Take measures against the risk of environmental pollution and environmental loads, etc. caused by our business activities.
  • Reduction, Reuse and Recycling of waste.

Contribution to society

Actively participate in local communities and contribute to their development as a good corporate citizen, including activities that best utilize the "spirit of craftsmanship, knowledge and technology" which is fostered through our business activities.

  1. Strive to spread and develop our knowledge and technology through personnel contributions to support academic societies and educational institutions, and by publicizing our works and technologies.
  2. Communicate with, and maintain and develop good relations with local communities through activities at our workplaces.
  3. Make efforts to cooperate and collaborate with NPOs and NGOs.
  4. Promote and disseminate architectural culture, and provide human resources development and research grants through our corporate foundations.
  5. Support social contribution activities that are conducted by our employees.

Thorough risk management

Thoroughly implement systematic risk management to prepare for acts by antisocial forces, terrorism, cyber-attacks, natural disasters or other incidents that may pose threats to civic life and business activities.

  1. Organize a systematic risk management structure.
  2. Ensure that the response to antisocial forces is completely understood by all employees, and at the same time collaborate with relevant organizations to respond to antisocial forces. In addition, ensure the signing of a memorandum with partner companies concerning "organized-crime-group exclusion clauses."
  3. Engage in risk management and take measures against threats of terrorism to executives, employees, and offices in Japan and overseas.
  4. Strive to ensure cyber security by arranging technical and physical security control measures in ICT as well as incident response systems.
  5. Make structures to prepare for disasters and responding to them.

Respect for international norms and contributions to each country and region

In line with the globalization of business activities, comply with laws and regulations of the countries and regions where our business operations are based, and respect human rights and other international norms for behavior. In addition, consider local culture and customs as well as the interests of stakeholders, and contribute to the development of local economies and societies.

  1. Comply with the laws and social norms in each country and region in the deployment of our global business while respecting international norms and rules. In particular, firmly prevent child labor or forced labor.
  2. Respect the local customs and culture of each country and region, and promote business activities on the basis of mutual trust with local stakeholders.
  3. Strive to promote management localization, and provide appropriate work environments that are suitable to the circumstances of each country and region.
  4. Pay attention to whether overseas business counterparts discharge their social responsibilities, and if necessary give them assistance to make improvements.

Implementation system, and response to violations

Top management shall recognize its personal role in the practice of corporate activities in accordance with this Corporate Code of Conduct. It shall provide skilled leadership and shall understand the views of internal and external stakeholders, and devise education and instruction for this Code by the establishment of an effective company system. In any event that this Code is violated, top management shall personally take charge of solving the problem, explain what has occurred, and upon determining the source of competence and responsibility, impose strict disciplinary action against those held responsible, including top management itself.

  1. Promote CSR by making this Code thoroughly known and effectively used with leadership from top management, and evaluate and enhance the operational situation of these efforts periodically.
  2. Set up education and instruction to promote CSR throughout the entire corporate group, and implement activities that promote CSR efforts, including with business partners in supply chains.
  3. Set up a consultation and reporting desk system that is independent from the regular chain of command and make use of this facility in order to improve corporate behavior.
  4. Set up an internal system, from the viewpoint of risk management, to prevent emergency situations from occurring.
  5. When an emergency situation occurs, promptly conduct an investigation under the leadership of top management, determine the facts and causes, and adopt responsible and appropriate policies and measures as a corporation to handle the situation. Top management shall also take prompt action to provide the public with an explanation of the relevant facts, the policies adopted to address the matter and the measures taken to prevent recurrence.
2004.01 Issue of Principles of Corporate Ethics
2012.01 Revision to Takenaka Corporate Code of Conduct
2018.07 Amendment to Takenaka Corporate Code of Conduct
2021.03 Amendment to Takenaka Corporate Code of Conduct
2022.01 Amendment to Takenaka Corporate Code of Conduct