Multistakeholder Policy

In light of the growing importance in corporate management of value cocreation together with diverse stakeholders, which include the global environment, local communities, customers, employees, and suppliers, Takenaka Corporation will continue to engage in appropriate collaboration with multiple stakeholders. Regarding profits and results generated through value collaboration and productivity improvements, moreover, we will proceed with the following initiatives based on the importance of giving back to employees and being considerate to suppliers from a perspective that appropriate distribution of profits among multiple stakeholders will lead to sustainable growth.

Giving back to employees

In our efforts toward sustainable growth and productivity improvement, Takenaka Corporation will focus on maximizing added value by prioritizing investment in growth areas for management resources, and through developing abilities and improving skills of employees. Based on the earnings and results generated, moreover, we aim to continuously give back to our employees by raising wages at the right times and through appropriate methods based on the social situation and company condition; further improving overall working conditions, including making it easier to work; and actively seeking to invest in our people, such as enhancing human resources development.

Specific measures are as follows:

  1. Implementation of wage increases based on price trends and economic conditions
  2. Further promotion of diversity and inclusion that contributes to realizing improvements in job satisfaction and work-life balance by flexibly responding to the diversification of value systems for lifestyles and work styles
  3. Active investment in human resource development to cultivate highly specialized personnel to improve productivity

Through these measures, Takenaka Corporation aims to improve employee engagement as well as secure and develop human resources who will lead the construction industry in the future.

Consideration for suppliers

Takenaka Corporation will continue its efforts to comply with the contents of the Declaration of Partnership Building. (Declaration registration updated on April 25, 2024).

Other stakeholder initiatives

Takenaka Corporation will contribute to the transformation to a better society through dialog and working together with our customers and other stakeholders. We will continue to make steady efforts to address these items while checking the status of our initiatives.

January 31, 2024
President, Masato Sasaki

President, Masato Sasaki